Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

I present proof that artificial intelligence is far from intelligent: none of these things apply to me.

New: What is that supposed to mean? As in, to planet earth? Granted, I'm not a senior citizen, but I've been around for nineteen years.

Entertaining: Um. Well. Ok, this can apply, but not when I mean it to, i.e. watching me try to play certain sports.

Little: I really should be savoring this moment, since the last time I was called little was when I was...well...little. I'm 5-10ish now. Maybe compared to Lisa Leslie.

Legendary: Ehhhhno.

Insane: My grip on sanity, though tentative, remains, thank you very much.

Earthy: Other than the classical sense, I don't understand what this means practically. At all. Therefore, I can only say I'm not it.

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