Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Captain! Prosy update, dead ahead!

Well, it's official. I went and signed up for the classes I want--or am being coerced to take by the anti-christ that is the university general education system. C'mon, who really needs "Societal Interactions" to succeed in culture? Just don't tick people off, I'd guess, is the gist of that winner of a course.

I'm not actually taking that course. I wheedled my way out of that one. What I am taking is English Comp (don't get me started on that), American History, and Geography. Genius that I am, I'm skipping science and higher math for the time being, being hopeful that I can yet figure out a way to sweet-talk the Dean of Liberal Arts out of requiring things that I will probably never use.

That failing, I think I'll take Plant Biology as opposed to regular Intro to Biology. That sounds more...plantish. And fun. And I'm currently studying for the math placement exam, so I can boot that required math course out the door. We'll see how everything goes. An LJ friend of mine had great success testing out of courses, so I'd like to get the chance to talk to him and see how he studied. The idea of cutting out a year of requirements for the cost of the testing is very appealing, since I don't much like school anyhow.

Correction, I don't like sitting.

I'm actually rather excited to go to school again. I bought a nifty new backpack already, and it will be fun to go pick out fresh, book-smelling supplies to fill it. When I was a homeschool kid, my mom would always take us to the local education store, and we could pick out a special pencil for the year out of their extensive collection. There were shiny ones, weird shaped ones, and ones with little dinosaurs running all over them. It was always so hard to decide, and so much fun to take care of, and sharpen my pencil.

So, I'm hoping to recreate that experience, at least in part, for my new school year. I'm going to buy bright notebooks, clean smelling erasers, shiny new binders....and yes, I'm going to go buy a special pencil.

It's going to be a good year...I can feel it in my bones.

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