Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My email is driving me nuts. Not knowing whether people are going to get what I send them has some definite inherent problems. I never know if I should send emails again or what, and of course if the intended receivers never got them, they can't let me know. So, I'm forced to either spam people with multiple copies of the same email, or leave people hanging who expect emails and don't know that I'm doing my best to contact them.

And I feel horrible for even thinking about this, with so much pain and devastation in the South. I've been listening to the radio, and all the reports of looting and gunfights among the looters. God help us all. I can understand taking food as a measure of survival, but televisions? Diamonds? Lingerie? This is the scum of humanity. I remember reading "Lord of the Flies" and being struck deeply at how fast we can morph into animals. It's so sad to watch this play out, not being able to do much of anything about it.

I wish I could go and help.

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