Sunday, August 28, 2005

We celebrated my sister's birthday today; she's seventeen. Since it is indeed a day of family celebration, I followed my normal tradition of hagging out and not showering, so everyone can 'ooooh!' and 'ahhhhh!' in twenty years at the family photos, and how bad Aunt Nelle did look at nineteen. Lovely.

Everyone's kind of goofy today because we all have "fair hangovers", which has led to some interesting discussion among the assemblage as to which I'll get first, a boyfriend or a car. (You know, I never would have thought I'd be happy to see the weekend go....but this one...)

Sister:...Well, which do you want, Nellie?

Nell: *smirk* A car.

Sister: Really.

Nell: My dear sister, would I lie to you?

Brother #1: I think you should get a husband that plays pro-ball so he can play toss with me.

Nell: *snorts* What an unselfish request. I'll send word round to the minor leagues to forward me the names and numbers of any up and coming stars.

B#2: Nellie already haaaaas a boyfriend.

Nell: *ignores pipsqueak*

Sister: She does...?

Nell: She doesn't.

B#2: Yes, she doeeeesss.

B#1: *vulture howl of glee*

Nell: *sarcastically* I'm getting deja-vu from second grade here people.

B#2: It's Maourice Clinett Van Osbourine the Third!!! (Names changed to avoid traumatizing the innocent.)

Assemblage: Ohhhh-hoooh! She's blushinggggg!!!! And fidgeting!

Nell: Funny. I seem to be sitting here with my normal faculties present and accounted for.

Assemblage: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nell: Not true. But there's nothing I can say that would pacify you hyenas, is there?

I'm waiting for the little rascals to reach marrying age so I can exact revenge.

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